MacWorld 1999 February
Macworld (1999-02).dmg
Games World
Xconq 7.2.2
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259 lines
(game-module "insects"
(title "Insects")
(blurb "Bugs, Mr Rico! Zillions of 'em!")
(variants (see-all false) (world-seen false))
(unit-type ant (char "a")
(help ""))
(unit-type spider (char "s")
(help ""))
(unit-type skeeter (char "k")
(help "water strider, can go on land or water"))
(unit-type beetle (char "B")
(help "slow-moving but powerful"))
(unit-type queen (image-name "crown") (char "Q")
(help ""))
(unit-type fly (char "f")
(help "fast-moving, for recon"))
(unit-type bee (char "b")
(help ""))
(unit-type web (image-name "web-2") (char "%")
(help "a barrier to movement"))
(unit-type mound (char "*")
(help ""))
(unit-type nest (char "@")
(help "the insect's home and breeding ground"))
(material-type mobility
(help "the ability of a web to move before being anchored down"))
(material-type sting
(help "what a bee attacks with"))
(terrain-type puddle (image-name "sky-blue") (char "-"))
(terrain-type grass (image-name "green") (char "+"))
(define walkers (ant spider skeeter beetle))
(define movers (ant spider skeeter beetle queen fly bee))
(define flyers (queen fly bee))
(define places (mound nest))
(define land (grass))
(add puddle liquid true)
;;; Static relationships.
(table vanishes-on
((ant spider beetle) puddle true)
(places puddle true)
(table unit-capacity-x
(spider web 2)
(add queen capacity 2)
(add web capacity 1)
(add places capacity 8)
(table unit-size-as-occupant
(u* u* 99)
(movers (queen mound nest) 1)
(walkers web 1)
(table unit-storage-x
(bee sting 1)
(web mobility 1)
;;; Actions.
; a s k B Q f b % * @
(add u* acp-per-turn (2 4 2 1 5 7 5 1 1 1))
;;; Movement.
(add places speed 0)
(table mp-to-enter-terrain
(u* t* 99)
(walkers land 1)
(skeeter puddle 1)
(skeeter land 2)
(flyers t* 1)
(web t* 1)
;; Web gets one move, for placement, then must stay there.
(table material-to-move (web mobility 1))
(table consumption-per-move (web mobility 1))
;;; Construction.
; a s k B Q f b
(add movers cp (2 4 10 30 25 2 10))
(add web cp 5)
(table acp-to-create
(places movers 1)
(mound queen 0)
(nest queen 1)
(spider web 1)
(table acp-to-build
(places movers 1)
(mound queen 0)
(nest queen 1)
(spider web 1)
(table supply-on-creation
(bee sting 1)
(web mobility 1)
;;; Combat.
; a s k B Q f b % * @
(add u* hp-max (20 50 20 100 20 10 20 2 10 10))
;; Injured insects move more slowly.
(add ant speed-damage-effect ((1 50) ( 9 50) (10 100) ( 20 100)))
(add spider speed-damage-effect ((1 50) (12 50) (13 100) ( 50 100)))
(add skeeter speed-damage-effect ((1 50) ( 9 50) (10 100) ( 20 100)))
(add beetle speed-damage-effect ((1 50) (49 50) (50 100) (100 100)))
(add queen speed-damage-effect ((1 50) ( 9 50) (10 100) ( 20 100)))
(add fly speed-damage-effect ((1 50) ( 4 50) ( 5 100) ( 10 100)))
(add bee speed-damage-effect ((1 50) ( 9 50) (10 100) ( 20 100)))
(table hit-chance
; a s k B Q f b % * @
(ant u* ( 70 50 70 30 90 80 75 30 100 100 ))
(spider u* ( 70 50 70 40 90 90 75 70 100 100 ))
(skeeter u* ( 70 50 70 30 90 80 75 50 100 100 ))
(beetle u* ( 90 70 80 50 95 50 50 70 100 100 ))
(queen u* ( 10 10 10 10 50 50 40 10 100 100 ))
(fly u* ( 10 10 10 10 20 50 25 10 50 50 ))
(bee u* ( 90 70 90 50 90 80 75 30 100 100 ))
(web u* ( 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ))
(mound u* ( 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ))
(nest u* ( 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ))
(table damage
(u* u* 1)
(movers movers 2d6+5)
(table protection
(nest ant 50)
(mound nest 30)
(table capture-chance
(web movers ( 50 30 50 20 70 70 50 ))
(movers mound 100)
;; Bees work by using their sting once in an attack, and then dying.
(table consumption-per-attack
;; (but should use even if not necessary to attack)
(bee sting 1)
(table hit-by
(u* sting 1)
(table material-to-attack
(bee sting 1)
(table hp-to-garrison
(queen nest 20)
;;; Backdrop.
;; Insects generally have short lifespans.
(table attrition (movers t* 0.50))
(table hp-per-starve
;; Stinging something is fatal to the bee.
(bee sting 20.00)
;;; Scoring.
(add nest point-value 25)
(scorekeeper (do last-side-wins))
;;; Text.
(set action-notices '(
((destroy u* movers) (actor " eats " actee "!"))
(set event-notices '(
((unit-starved web) (0 "dissolves"))
((unit-starved u*) (0 "expires"))
(set event-narratives '(
((unit-starved web) (0 "dissolved"))
((unit-starved u*) (0 "expired"))
;;; Random setup.
(add t* alt-percentile-min ( 0 0))
(add t* alt-percentile-max ( 10 100))
(add t* wet-percentile-min ( 50 0))
(add t* wet-percentile-max (100 100))
(set edge-terrain puddle)
(add nest start-with 1)
(table independent-density (mound t* 100))
(table favored-terrain (places grass 100))
(add u* already-seen 100)
(add nest initial-seen-radius 5)
(set side-library '(
((noun "Buzzer"))
((noun "Flitter"))
((noun "Flyer"))
((noun "Hummer"))
;;; Documentation.
(game-module (instructions (
"When you defeat your enemies, you get to eat them!"
"Capture the other sides' nests."
(game-module (notes (
"The nest is the center of your world; produce ants to "
"expand with, spiders to build webs for defense, and skeeters "
"to cross water."
(game-module (design-notes (
"This was originally designed by Chris Christensen,
inspired by a board game called `Chiten I'(?)."